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Ice Cavern

Release Date 2010-02-20
Posting Time 2010-02-20 3:31pm
Version 1  (Release)
Status Original song
All-Time Rating
  8.67 (9 ratings)

All-Time Unique Views 960
All-Time Unique Downloads 41  (4.27% of viewers)
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Real original name, huh?

Well, I didn't name it. A friend of mine, who goes by "FoxxDragon," liked my last posted song Torchlit Memories so much that he volunteered to draw a picture, depicting the image I had in my head while writing the piece. Isn't he just the shit?

So, in return, I wanted to do the opposite for him, and offered to "score" some art of his. This is the first of our collaborations together, after a a picture that he drew with a friend, Ali Floyd. So, below, I'll post the artwork.

On the song itself, it's very different than anything I've done before, and a good excersize. I've never written anything even remotely ambient, and I rarely work with synths. Not only did I work with synths, but made a handful of them from scratch, which I'm proud of. The song depicts the mysterious majesty of this alien ice world.


Image by Nate Horsfal and Ali Floyd

Artwork (c) 2009 by Nate Horsfall and Ali Floyd


Length: 4:48
Format: 24-bit, 44.1 kHz, 2116 kbps High-definitionLossless Download: MP3 (6.9 MB) - WAV (72.7 MB)

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Reviews and discussion

Solid Feb 21, 2010 8:38pm  That's all I really have to say at the moment... I'll edit this later so as to be more detailed if I have time, but overall, all of the elemen...

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