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A Fox in the Forest

Release Date 2010-03-19
Posting Time 2010-03-19 8:42pm
Version 1  (Release)
Status Original song
All-Time Rating
  9.00 (5 ratings)

All-Time Unique Views 802
All-Time Unique Downloads 30  (3.74% of viewers)
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This song is another collaboration of mine with Nate "FoxxDragon" Horsfall. I don't know if the fox in the forest is referring to him or what. I would hunt that fox down with a knife and wear it around my neck, though, as a trophy of my warrior spirit.


Anyway, onto the song. It's a pretty cool guy and it doesn't afraid of anything. I think I did a good job portraying a forest with it, and I wanted the song to really move with you as you entered and wandered through this mysterious forest. Again, this is different than a lot of stuff I have done, and so, was a learning experience again. Let me know what you think!


Oh, and funny story... so I said that I wrote this song for a picture that Nate drew. Then, after I sent him this song, he was so inspired by it that he went and drew *another* picture of this forest, and apparently plans to make it into a 3-piece set. I'll attach the images and add the third when it comes around.


Original image the song was written for:


Artwork by Nate Horsfall and Ali Floyd


And the addition, A Fox in the Forest Prelude:


Artwork by Nate Horsfall.


Length: 4:55
Format: 24-bit, 44.1 kHz, 2116 kbps High-definitionLossless Download: MP3 (6.5 MB) - WAV (74.5 MB)

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Reviews and discussion

Fox in the Forest review by quintin 3265 May 7, 2010 6:32pm  All is not game music. Mood setting for a picture works too. Love Kidd Cabbage's work! He has been expandin...
Not up to the high standards of your other songs Mar 22, 2010 12:00pm  While this song is pretty good, it's not up to the 6-star or 7-star standards of Kidd Cabbage's oth...

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