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Etiolating Shade

Release Date 2009-11-28
Posting Time 2009-11-28 7:56pm
Version 1  (Release)
Status Original song
All-Time Rating
  9.32 (190 ratings)

All-Time Unique Views 1348
All-Time Unique Downloads 153  (11.35% of viewers)
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Update! 12/20/09

This song won the competition! I thank you all graciously for your votes and your support! If there is *any* songwriting work that you would like to be done by me, please get in contact with me! Message me in the forums! No request is too much or too absurd to be talked about! :)




My entry for Composition Combat. I focused on the setting of the game for the song, to compliment the mood that would be given. The song focuses on the futuristic holocaust caused by the dependacy and failure of the 'paradise machines*.' The song is written as a videogame title theme would be - it's written in a cinematic fashion, where it's listenable on its own and it wouldn't distract as background music. Along with standard cinematic orchestration, there are a few other instruments thrown into the mix to add the tone of the game. The song evolves, but is cohesive and sounds like a single song rather than a mix of parts. Anyway, before I tell you how the whole song goes, why don't you just listen and see for yourself?


*I almost want to rename my song to "Paradise Machine" now.


Length: 3:09
Format: 24-bit, 44.1 kHz, 2116 kbps High-definitionLossless Download: MP3 (4.3 MB) - WAV (47.9 MB)

Toplist positions

#1 cindilc

This song is listed on the toplist of 1 user.

Reviews and discussion

Strong melody but not sure if the general feel is really cap Dec 15, 2009 11:34am  I guess we all have our own takes on the story, what emotion should be conveyed and in ...
High hopes Dec 10, 2009 6:29am  First off, I like this song...there's really nothing "wrong" with it per se and the sounds you used for the most part are just great....
Risk Dec 7, 2009 6:50pm  KiddCabbage,      Your piece sounds complete; and by that I mean it's very put together and has elements that compliment...
"Etiolating Shade" (version 1) by KiddCabbage Dec 7, 2009 5:33pm  Very impressive. Seems to me like best if not only entry that elaborates on story line. 
Pale and sickly? Deprived of light? I think not. Dec 3, 2009 11:55am  There's nothing to really point out as being weak in this song.  A typical style for the typ...

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