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Ice Breakers World II - Feather and Cane

Release Date 2009-11-24
Posting Time 2009-11-24 1:41pm
Version 1  (Release)
Status Original song
All-Time Rating
  3.00 (3 ratings)

All-Time Unique Views 462
All-Time Unique Downloads 19  (4.11% of viewers)
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This is part of a collection of songs that I composed for my friend's Peggle-like game, "Ice Breakers".  These songs represent my first foray into video game composition.  To play and hear the songs in-game, please visit

"Feather and Cane" came about after I decided I wanted to write a piece for harpsichord.  I think the hand drums let it flow with the ice cavern theme while the harpsichord changes the mood from "journey" to "business".  The "feather" of the song is the A section, while the "cane" is represented by the funkier B section.  My favorite part is the dissonant chord-less line at the end of the Bs, as I feel like it's the avenger of all of the drafts I wrote that were deemed "too creepy" for the game (by the way, I keep mentioning the point that the drafts were considered that, but in no way am I bitter--I just thought it funny... and pretty true!).


Length: 1:58
Format: 16-bit, 44.1 kHz, 1411 kbps Lossless Download: MP3 (2.5 MB) - WAV (19.9 MB)

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