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KroKodile FunK

Release Date 2013-11-24
Posting Time 2013-11-24 1:19pm
Version 1  (Release)
Games " alt="Other songs with " ?>
Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
Donkey Kong Land
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
Donkey Kong Country
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Music Genres " alt="Other songs with " ?>
Instruments " alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
electric guitar
Moods " alt="Other songs with " ?>
Tempos " alt="Other songs with " ?>
Software Used " alt="Other songs with " ?>
fl studio 10
Game Phases " alt="Other songs with " ?>
final boss
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
Game Genres " alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
Game Purposes " alt="Other songs with " ?>
Characters " alt="Other songs with " ?>
king k. rool
Remix Type " alt="Other songs with " ?>
All-Time Rating
  8.50 (2 ratings)

All-Time Unique Views 983
All-Time Unique Downloads 130  (13.22% of viewers)
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This must be my 5th DKC medley...oh well! While Krempossible was centered around the Kremlings and Banana Symphony was rather about the Kongs and the levels, this is all about the bosses. They have such classy names as Queen B, King Zing, Very Gnawty, Really Gnawty, Dumb Drum, Kleever, Kudgel, Arich and Kaos to name a few. Oh and don't forget King K. Rool, Kaptain K. Rool and Baron K. Roolenstein.

This song includes all of their tunes, which are exactly 6 plus the obligatory DK Land Boss theme which I love so much. Honestly though, Boss Bossanova is a bit of a cheat here, it's actually rather Welcome to Crocodile Isle, but that tune is included in
the Boss AND the Final Boss tune anyway. Including the full Boss Bossanova would have been a bit of a stretch.


Length: 4:48
Format: 24-bit, 44.1 kHz, 2116 kbps High-definitionLossless Download: MP3 (7.2 MB) - WAV (72.8 MB)

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