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Lunar-tic Grin

Release Date 2013-10-31
Posting Time 2013-10-31 8:27pm
Version 2  (Release)
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Portal 2
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Touhou 08 - Imperishable Night
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Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
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Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II
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" alt="Other songs with " ?>
character theme
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metal sonic
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
zero two
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
reisen udongein inaba
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" alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
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All-Time Rating
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All-Time Unique Views 503
All-Time Unique Downloads 16  (3.18% of viewers)
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HALLOWEEN 2013 UPDATE: Decided that I wasn't happy with the second half of the song, so I fixed it by adding in Zero-Two's theme. Zero-Two's theme makes EVERYTHING better!

So, what do Fawful, Metal Sonic, Reisen Inaba, Wheatley, and Zero-Two all have in common? They're all linked to celestial bodies somehow! Fawful has the Dark Star, Metal Sonic has the Death Egg Mk. 2, Zero-Two has the Dark Matter Planet, and Reisen & Wheatley have the moon itself.

The only thing I couldn't stuff in here was Majora's Mask, but that's because I generally suck at everything Zelda. :p

I threw this together between college classes and spurts of programming, and the end result is probably one of my favorite remixes-by-me yet. I'll probably revisit this general theme again later, as well.

The songs in this remix are:

Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon from Touhou: Imperishable Night
Dark Bowser Battle from Mario And Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
The Part Where He Kills You from Portal 2
Metal Sonic Battle and Death Egg Mk. 2 from Sonic 4 Episode 2
Zero-Two Battle from Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards


Length: 4:20
Format: 16-bit, 44.1 kHz, 450 kbps Download: MP3 (5.8 MB) - OGG (13.7 MB)

Song history

(2) 2013-10-31 This version 0.00
(1) 2013-05-02 Lunar-tic Grin 8.00

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