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Adventurous Journey

Release Date 2013-04-28
Posting Time 2013-04-29 10:05am
Version 1  (Release)
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" alt="Other songs with " ?>
letty whiterock
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All-Time Rating
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All-Time Unique Views 1032
All-Time Unique Downloads 174  (16.86% of viewers)
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A song for adventures in ice worlds and my first ever Sonic remix: Ice Cap Zone featuring some ice-related Touhou themes, namely the themes of the (strongest) ice fairy Cirno and the spirit of Winter Letty Whiterock which blend in (un)surprisingly well.

This was actually quite easy to throw together. Being such an upbeat as well as calm theme, I wanted to focus on both aspects during the song. The beginning is rather calm and relaxing, but it changes after about a minute in. The song gets faster and sounds more awake and upbeat. Finally there are some retro-sounding parts as well, because I like that.


Length: 4:38
Format: 24-bit, 44.1 kHz, 2116 kbps High-definitionLossless Download: MP3 (6.4 MB) - WAV (70.3 MB)

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