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Depths of my Heart

Release Date 2012-06-03
Posting Time 2012-06-14 12:02pm
Version 1  (Release)
Games " alt="Other songs with " ?>
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
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" alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
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fl studio 10
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mask salesman
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
All-Time Rating
  9.25 (4 ratings)

All-Time Unique Views 2446
All-Time Unique Downloads 676  (27.64% of viewers)
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A remix of Stone Tower Temple and the Song of Healing from Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. It's pretty different from my other songs, but it turns into my style at about 1-2 minutes in. The vocals (ROCK THIS!) in the last section were said to be silly, but I like them ;)


Length: 5:53
Format: 24-bit, 44.1 kHz, 2116 kbps High-definitionLossless Download: MP3 (8.6 MB) - WAV (89.1 MB)

Toplist positions

#1 Warp Zoner

This song is listed on the toplist of 1 user.

Reviews and discussion

Re: DjtheSdotcom - Depths of my Heart Feb 7, 2013 11:30am  Very cool remix of a very cool game! Well done! -Warp Zoner

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