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Party Down in Kakariko

Release Date 2012-12-01
Posting Time 2012-12-01 5:59pm
Version 1  (Release)
Status Original song
All-Time Rating
  10.00 (1 rating)

All-Time Unique Views 1451
All-Time Unique Downloads 66  (4.55% of viewers)
Promotions A forum graphic is available for inclusion in forum posts and signatures. You can also embed this song in forum posts and websites.


It's the party in Hyrule that you wished you never missed. Everyone is there! Everyone is playing spin the bottle! Everyone is bobbing for apples! Everyone is playing "pin the tail on the Goron"... that is, if Goron's had tails...


Length: 4:15
Format: 16-bit, 22.05 kHz, 64 kbps Download: MP3 (2.0 MB)

Toplist positions

#1 DjtheSdotcom

This song is listed on the toplist of 1 user.

Reviews and discussion

Re: mitchjanzen - Party Down in Kakariko Jan 22, 2014 8:52am  This sounds *suspiciously* like a plagiarism of part of an old VGmix 2 song called "Miyamoto dance"....

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