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Echoes from the Past

Release Date 2012-11-11
Posting Time 2012-11-12 9:00am
Version 1  (Release)
Games " alt="Other songs with " ?>
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
Touhou 13 Ten Desires
Music Genres " alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
Instruments " alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
Moods " alt="Other songs with " ?>
Tempos " alt="Other songs with " ?>
Software Used " alt="Other songs with " ?>
fl studio 10
Game Phases " alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
Game Genres " alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
bullet hell
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
first-person action-adventure
Game Purposes " alt="Other songs with " ?>
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
character theme
" alt="Other songs with " ?>
main theme
Characters " alt="Other songs with " ?>
kyouko kasodani
All-Time Rating
  10.00 (11 ratings)

All-Time Unique Views 1426
All-Time Unique Downloads 269  (18.86% of viewers)
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This is a remix of the Metroid Prime 2 main theme with a little bit of the theme of Touhou 13's second boss, Kyouko Kasodani. I really like the Echoes main theme, so I made this remix. After that, I wasn't quite happy with it, so this is technically a version 2 with great improvements in terms of mixing and composing compared to version 1.


Length: 4:52
Format: 24-bit, 44.1 kHz, 2116 kbps High-definitionLossless Download: MP3 (6.9 MB) - WAV (73.8 MB)

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