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Release Date 2010-04-10
Posting Time 2010-04-10 3:04am
Version 1  (Release)
Status Original song
All-Time Rating
  8.33 (3 ratings)

All-Time Unique Views 775
All-Time Unique Downloads 26  (3.35% of viewers)
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Influences for this song stem from the countless amounts of old school, side-scrolling, beat 'em ups back in the days of the Sega Genesis and the SNES. So many hours spent sitting at home playing Final Fight 1-3, Streets of Rage 1-3, and of course my favorite, Super Double Dragon. Anyways this was suppose to be a more trance-like song for such a game that I began making about a year ago and nearly gave up on. It wasn't anywhere near finished so I kinda just mashed everything together within the last couple of hours to upload it for the compo =). Sorry if it seems a little choppy for the fast pace, I haven't even had chance to properly mix it yet.


Created using Image-Line's FL Studio 8


Length: 2:58
Format: 16-bit, 44.1 kHz, 160 kbps Download: MP3 (3.4 MB)

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