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About Franzen

I started playing guitar when I was 13 (influenced by my sister who used to listen to Led Zeppelin).

I played in several band styles (rock, jazz, bossa nova, prog rock, etc...). I always had an interest for video game music (in early days it was strange since practically nobody knew who the composers were).

I recently built a home studio and started to work on some old tracks of a prog rock band that I was part. When I noticed all I could do allone at home I started to compose again...

I am currently composing music for a local game developer, and I beleive I have found what I really love to do. I do not get any income from this work (I have a day time job, were I am a Project Manager at an engineering company), but I am pounding and hoping that in the future I will be able to live out of my compositions (I beleive thats the dream that most of us here share...).

Living in Brazil makes things a bit harder. The softwares and hardwares are very expensive, and we have a huge problem with piracy with games - I can not completly blame piracy since our government imposes absurd taxes overgames (maybe 4 or 5 times the price it should really have).

I spend all my spare time with music composition and learning how to mix, master...etc. I also have a instrumental project with another composer that lives in Bristol/UK (my great friend Hans Hess). The project is called CLOSED LOCKED SEALED, and we are currently recording the first album - but I beleive we will release it on the Q2/2011.

My hearing "tastes" go from Meshuggah to Lady Gaga....sorry if have disapointed anyone (hehe).

Well, thats about it.

Hope to meet most of you!


Renan Franzen

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Real name Renan Franzen
Location Rua Bento Martins, 495/106, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Birth date December 25, 1985  (age 38)
Joined December 09, 2010
Song views 2397
Song downloads 72
182 -day Average rating None of Franzen's songs have been rated during the past 182 days.
Experience earned 72.72


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